Karate flyer 1We teach Shotokan Karate Jitsu. The Karate style emphasizes the practical application of techniques in self-defense scenarios. The term "Jitsu" (also spelled "Jutsu") refers to "art" or "technique" in Japanese, and in the context of Karate Jitsu, it focuses on the combat-oriented aspects of karate rather than the sport or purely fitness aspects. KJitsu often includes a broader range of techniques than what might be found in sport, incorporating joint locks, throws, grappling, and pressure point strikes. It aims to provide a more comprehensive self-defense system. The practice of KJitsu often involves a deep understanding of kata (forms), bunkai (application of kata), and real-world self-defense scenarios. It is typically seen as a more traditional and holistic approach to martial arts, focusing on effectiveness in real-life situations rather than competition.

Karate flyer 1

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Oscar Silvera, is the Dojo's Hombu Cho (Headquarters Director) and Chief Instructor in Karate of the International Budo Ryokukai in Michigan.

Silvera Sensei's dedication to martial arts is evident through his diverse training background. Since embarking on his martial arts journey in 1984, he has explored various disciplines, including Aikido, Iaido, Judo, Jiu Jitsu, Kudo, Kobudo, Krav Maga, Taekwondo, Tai chi, Kickboxing, Kung fu, and many others. This extensive experience has shaped him into a well-rounded martial artist with a deep understanding of different combat styles. 

Read more at: Oscar Silvera, Sensei





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Plymouth, MI